Bitcoin Forensics

Total Cyber Attacks In 2020
+ 0 %
Cyber Attacks Compared to 2014
+ %
Phishing / Social Engineering Campaigns Compared to 2018
Monthly Cyber Attack Average

Argo cyber security

Why choose us

Argo Cyber is a project with a high technological and specialized component unique of its kind.

Using advanced IT technologies, it identifies innovative and customized solutions for its customers.

Bitcoin Forensics

Bitcoin is a “currency”, a financial instrument, generated and exchanged only electronically and by computer. It is characterized by being decentralized, released from the control of a central authority, therefore it is free from banking intermediation and the value is determined exclusively by the meeting between supply and demand.

Although the virtual market is dominated by bitcoin, in recent years new types of virtual currencies have also been successfully inserted including Monero, Iota, Nano, Ethereum, Ripple and Litecoin.
Bitcoin was also the first virtual currency to use a new type of digital register of all transactions, the blockchain.

The high level of anonymization, the speed with which transactions are carried out, the irreversibility and the absence of quantitative and geographical limits are certainly peculiarities that make cryptocurrencies a rather widespread means for carrying out illegal acts such as money laundering, scams, theft or extortion.

The investigative and Cyber ​​Intelligence technologies, the tools and methodologies of bitcoin forensics and blockchain intelligence make it possible to track payments, aggregate addresses, analyze the relational structure of transactions and reconstruct the related traffic in order to trace the person who carried out the payment or to the beneficiary of the transaction.

Argo Cyber provides strategic consulting services on the technical and security aspects of cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin Forensics and Blockchain Intelligence activities for law firms, companies, government bodies and individuals.


Argo Cyber constantly invests in certifications to improve the level of services offered thus guaranteeing the utmost professionalism and safety to its customers.

Contact us for more information

800 800 070

Available H24

Via S. Pietro All’Orto 9, Milano
Via dei Gracchi 32, Roma
