GDPR 2016/679 – Data Protection

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Argo cyber security

Why choose us

Argo Cyber is a project with a high technological and specialized component unique of its kind.

Using advanced IT technologies, it identifies innovative and customized solutions for its customers.

GDPR 2016/679 – Data Protection

The EU Regulation 679/2016 (so-called GDPR General Data Protection Regulation) fully implemented starting from 25 May 2018, has introduced important innovations in our system that require bodies to have a more responsible corporate management, in order to guarantee a high level of protection of interested. The provision formalized new principles applicable to processing activities. In particular, it has placed at the center the principle of responsibility (or accountability) which requires the data controller to adopt adequate technical and organizational measures to guarantee and be able to demonstrate that the processing of personal data carried out complies with the Regulation itself.

Furthermore, the principles of privacy by design and privacy by default have been set out, as a result of which the owner must conform his processing activities, right from the design phase and by default, to the legislation on the protection of personal data.

The Regulation also imposes new obligations, including:

  • updating of internal and external forms;
  • carrying out the appointments of the subjects involved in the treatment;
  • obligation to keep a register of processing activities;
  • appointment of a data protection officer (DPO);
    • obligation to notify and manage incidents that lead to a breach of personal data.

The sanctioning system has also been tightened by providing for administrative penalties of up to 20 million euros and civil liability towards the person concerned who suffers material or immaterial damage caused by a violation of the GDPR.

The certified staff of Argo CyberSecurity offers among the GDPR consulting services dedicated to Public Administrations, companies and professionals:

  • assistance in the design of business models and procedures for data management / processing;
  • consultancy in the implementation of organizational and technological security measures;
  • drafting of information on the processing of personal data;
  • drafting of appointment of data processors pursuant to art. 28;
  • drafting of the appointment of the persons in charge / authorized pursuant to art. 29;
  • preparation and keeping of the register of processing activities;
  • carrying out of Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA);


Argo Cyber constantly invests in certifications to improve the level of services offered thus guaranteeing the utmost professionalism and safety to its customers.

Contact us for more information

800 800 070

Available H24

Via S. Pietro All’Orto 9, Milano
Via dei Gracchi 32, Roma
